You are The One by Babbie Mason Complete Lyrics

Song Tittle: You are The One

Artist: Babbie Mason


You’re The One

(written and recorded by Babbie Mason)
(based on Matthew 19:17)

The Full Lyrics

Verse 1:
Lord the people praise You,
lift You up and raise You;
You are the Holy One,
You’re the One, You’re the only One.

Verse 2:
Lord the people love You,
place nobody above You;
You are the Holy One,
You’re the One, you’re the only One,

Verse 3:
Bless Your name Lord Jesus,
the only name that frees us,
You are the holy One,
You’re the One, you’re the only One

Halle, halle, hallelu,
all the glory is due You;
You are the holy One,
You’re the One, You’re the only One.

Verse 1:
Lord the people praise You,
lift You up and raise You;
You are the Holy One,
You’re the One, You’re the only One.

Verse 2:
Lord the people love You,
place nobody above You;
You are the Holy One,
You’re the One, you’re the only One,

ALSO SEE  All In Favor by Babbie Mason Full Lyrics

Halle, halle, hallelu,
all the glory is due You;
You are the holy One,
You’re the One, You’re the only One.

Verse 3



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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.