Worshiper’s Cry Lyrics by Sonnie Badu

Song Title: Worshiper’s Cry

Artiste: Sonnie Badu

Language: English

Country of Origin: Ghana

All hail the power of Jesus’ name
Let angles prostrate fall
Let angles prostrate fall
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown him
Crown him (6x)
And crown him LORD of all

And crown him
Crown him (6x)
And crown him LORD of all

So crown him
Crown him (6x)
And crown him LORD of all

Almighty God, Invincible
Father, invincible
Our Savior is invincible
Jesus, invincible
Majestic King, Invincible
Father, invincible
The LORD of LORDS, Invincible
No one can conquer him

Omnipotent, Invincible
Father, Invincible
Almighty King, Invincible
Jesus, invincible

Living water, Invincible
Father, Invincible
Adonai, Invincible
The King of kings is He (4x)

Invincible, you are (4x)
So I love you for you’re Alpha
Alpha and Omega
So I praise you for you’re Alpha
Alpha and Omega
[Jesus, you are the Apha
Alpha and Omega
So I love you for you’re Alpha
Alpha and Omega] 2x

Jesus, you’re Alpha
Alpha and Omega
Oh, Jesus, you’re Alpha
Alpha and Omega
[So I love you for you’re Alpha
Alpha and Omega] 2x

You’re mighty (6x)
You’re worthy (6x)
That is why I praise you (2x)
That is why I love you
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