Sikhululiwe – joyous 19 Lyrics

Sikhululiwe sathethelelwa, salungisiswa
Satholakala singenal’ icala
Uthando lwakhe nomusa wakhe wosisekela
Senziwe sabangabantwana nguye

Watheng’ impilo yami
Wangenza ngamuhle
Mina ngibong’ uJesu
Inhliziy’ ithambile, umoya wam’ uthule
Mina ngithand’ uJesu

Ngimi esiphambanweni ngibuka amanxeba
Ezinyaweni ezandleni
Zono zam zakudweba

Wabethelwa lachitheka igazi kuba yena emsulwa
Ngonyama yezulu wasifela thina
Igazi lakhe lazihlamb’ izono zonke zawo lo mhlaba
Haw’ haw’ haw’ zapheleliswa

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