Ngiyakuthanda Lyrics by Benjamin Dube

Ngiya kuthanda, moya oyingcwele
(I love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele
(Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)
Ngiya kuthanda, moya oyingcwele
(I love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele
(Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)


Siyakuthanda, moya oyingcwele
(We love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele
(Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)
Siyakuthanda, moya oyingcwele
(We love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele
(Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)

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