NDIZOKULANDELA – JOYOUS 17 By Unathi Siyakha Mzekeli

Wandibiza ndasabela
[You called me and I responded]
Ndaze ndafuman’ ubuncwane bothando
[And I received the riches of love]
Namhla ndisondele phambi kwakho
[Today I came before you]
Ndifun’ ukhokelwa nguwe
[I want you to lead me]
Ndifun’ ukulawulwa nguwe
[I want you to control me]
Ndifuna uhamba nawe
[I want to walk with you]

[I will follow]
Jesu ndohamba nawe
[Jesus I will go with you]
Apho ukhoyo
[Wherever you are]
Ebukhweni bam 
[In my place of betrothal]
NgoJesu ndiphephile
[Though Jesus I’m healed]
Jesu ndohamba nawe

Amandl’ okuphila afumaneka kuwe
[Living powers are found in you]
Unguwo umthombo wabo ubomi
[You’re the stream of life]
Njalo ndizohlal’ ezinyaweni zakho
[So I will forever stay at your feet]
Ngoba nguw’ umkhokeli wam
[Because you are my leader]
Umomelezi wam,
[My pillar of strength]
Ulithemba elimiyo, elimiyo
[You’re an everpresent hope]


Ubomi bami
[My life]
Bukuwe Nkosi [is in you]
Ngako ndizolandela
(Jesu ndohamba nawe)

Ububomi ndibudingayo
[You’re the life I need]
Ndiyakudinga mihla yonke
[I need thee everyday]
Ngako ndolandela
(Jesu ndohamba nawe)

Noba kuyenyukela kuyehlela
[Nomatter the ups and downs]
Ndizonyathela apho unyathele khona
[I’ll keep on following your steps]
(Jesu ndohamba nawe)

Ndizolandela, ndizolandel
Ndizolandela wena
(Jesu ndohamba nawe)

Ndizohamba nawe
Ndizohamba nawe
(Jesu ndohamba nawe)

Wen’ unobomi bam
Wen’ ukukuphila kwam
Wen’ ulithemba lam
Wen’ ungumonwabisi wam
[You’re my source of joy]

Ndonwabile xa ndikuwe [I’m joyful in your presence]
Ndinobomi xa ndikuwe
Ngako ndizonyathela
Kwenyukela kwehlela
Ndizohamba nawe
Sebendihleka ndizohamba nawe
[When they’re laughing at me]
Sebendithuka ndizohamba nawe
[When they’re calling me names]

Ndizonyamezela noba kwenzekani
Ndizonyamezela noba kwenzekani
Ndizohamba nawe 
Ndizohamba nawe 
Ndizohamba nawe
Jesu ndohamba nawe

ALSO SEE  Up To Something Lyrics by Celestine Donkor

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