Ngifikile eJordane
[I have reached Jordan]
Susa ukwesaba kwami
[Get rid of my fears]
Uzundikhaphe sengiwela
[Escort me when I cross]
Yiba nguy’ umsizi
[Be my helper]
O Msindisi O Msindisi
[O Savior, o savior]
Nguwe olithemba lam
[You are my hope]
O Msindisi O Msindisi
Nguwe oluncedo lwam
[You are my help]
Sithi lowo mthombo wosindiso
[The fountain of redemption]
Owavulwa ngenxa yami
[That was opened because of me]
Mawuvele umpompoze
[Let it overflow]
Uzihlanz’ izono
[And wash away my sins]
Ngoba ngifikile eJordane
Susa ukwesaba kwami
Zundikhaphe xa sendiwela
Ube ungumhlengi wami
CHORUS (Repeat till fade)

NgLyrics Editor

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