Emmanuel Lyrics by Solly Mahlangu

(Sung in Sotho)
Ba mitsa ka
mabitso, Emmanuele (The Name
above all names; Emanuel)

Ba mitsa ka mabitso, Emmanuele (The Name
above all names; Emanuel)

Mabitso, Emmanuele (Above all
names; Emanuel)

Mabitso, Emmanuele (Above all
names: Emanuel)

Ba mitsa ka mabitso (Emmanuele), Emmanuele (Emmanuele)
Name above all names; Emanuel)
Mabitso (Emmanuele), Emmanuele (Emmanuele) (Above all names; Emanuel) x2
Call:     The child is born,
Resp:   The child is born,
Call:     The son is given
Resp:   The son is given
Call:     He shall be called;
Resp:   He shall be called;
Call:     The Mighty God
Resp:   The Mighty God
Call:     Wonderful
Resp:   Wonderful
Call:     Counselor;
Resp:   Counselor;
Call:     Prince of Peace
Resp:   Prince of Peace,
Call:     Prince of Peace
Resp:   Prince of Peace
Mabitso (Emmanuele), Emmanuele (Emmanuele) (Above all names; Emanuel) x2
God met with one young
man, and He said to this young man
Go and tell pharaoh,
to let my people go
And this young man
said to God
Whom shall I send?
Sent me.
And God said to Him
Tell my Children
That, I Am, that I Am,
had sent you
So I’ve seen God in
my life
Becoming different
He will become great,
when you honour Him
He will become living
waters, when you fetched Him
He will become your
Money, when you need Him
So all we can do, is
just to call Him
By what He said, He
These’s what He said
Call:     I AM that I
AM (x?)
Resp:   I AM that I AM (x?)
(Repeated 16X)
Call:     I AM
Resp:   I AM
(Repeated 8X)


Mabitso (Emmanuele), Emmanuele
(Emmanuele) (Above all
names; Emanuel)
till fade)
ALSO SEE  Akisema Atakubariki [Mwenye Baraka] lyrics by Jemimah Thiong’o

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