In the name of Jesus
I believe in God’s word
I am what the word says I am
I can have what the word says i can have
I can do what the word says I can do

I cancel every negative word I have spoken
that is contrary to the word of God
Out of the good treasures of my heart
only good things shall come to pass
I m the righteousness of God
and in christ I m a new creature.
All things have passed away,
I have been delivered from the power of darkness,
and translated into the kingdom of Gods dear son.
I have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb,
redeemed from the curse of the Law,
redeemed from sickness and diseases,
poverty and spiritual death.
I can do all things through christ who strengthens me.
I am more than a conqueror.
I can overcome every situation,
I have the victory that overcomes the world.
He never leaves me nor forsakes me.
I believe it in my heart,
I confess it wit my month,
so be it.
It will surely come to pass
in Jesus name,

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NgLyrics Editor

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