DUMISANI – JOYOUS 17 Lyrics By Nomandla Mfecane

 Dumisani uYehova zizwe zonke hallelujah

[All nations must praise Jehovah hllelujah]
Mbongeni mncomeni njalo
[Thank Him, compliment Him always]
Dumisani uYehova zizwe zonke hallelujah
Mbongeni mncomeni njalo

Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
[We lift our eyes]
Siphakamis’ izandla zethu
[We lift our hands]
Lapho usizo lwethu lovela khona
[Where shall cometh our help]
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
Sizinikela kuwe
[We surrender to You]
Lapho usizo lwethu lovela khona
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
Siphakamis’ izandla zethu
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
Baba singayaphi uma singasuka kuwe
[Father where would we go if we leave you]
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
Siphakamis’ izandla zethu
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
Siyazithoba phambi kwetrone yakho yomusa
[We bow before your merciful throne]
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
Siphakamis’ izandla zethu
Siphakamisel’ amehlo ethu
As a sign of surrendering to you
Dumisani uYehova zizwe zonke hallelujah
Mbongeni mncomeni
Mbongeni yena
Mncomeni yena
Mbongeni mncomeni
Mbongeni mncomeni
Mbongeni mncomeni
Dumisani uYehova zizwe zonke hallelujah
Mbongeni mncomeni njalo
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